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Y Sunday, April 6, 2008

Week 3 has passed by faster than we have expected and the deadline for this project is in 3 weeks starting from today. Will post pictures of designs on this blog sometime this week and will get leader to confirm design before my full task is completed and then the builder(Liang Da) will have to find material price and not only that, start the mini model of the playground.

The playground designs are fully complete, pictures to be taken and suggestions to be made by group members and I almost forgot that the playground needs a short description of its type and as to how is it related to the literature text 'Bridge to Terabithia'.

Rupert has made a post of the price for the materials, although I don't quite understand what it means, and will hope that he gets online for msn today so that I can ask him or ask him when I get to school on Monday.

Due to the online emergency for this coming Wednesday and Thursday we may sapce out time to do this project as for sure all will be online on msn. Powerpoint slides also have to be made by the end of week 5 and hopefully everthing will go smoothly and according to schedule.

playground-ed Y
6:53 PM

Y Tuesday, April 1, 2008

$89.50(USD) per 1/16inch (thick)(36x36) lenght

$89.50 x 1.7 =$152.15

36 x 36 = 1296inches

$0.12 per 1/16 inch (thick). inch (length)

playground-ed Y
7:52 PM


The real points needed for the SA1

-Must be a playground(obviously)
-Playground must be inspired by novel Bridge to Terabithia(If not what the use of it being a literature project as good as DNT)
-The playground must be for emotionally scared children(another name for scars not the 'scary' thingy)
-Playground must be safe(Not near roads and playground materials must be safe)
-Must be handed in by term 2 week 6(We don't have forever you know.)
-Playground must be presented in a small model(Not full size lah)
-100% SA1 so dun play play.......................

Happy April fools day!


playground-ed Y
7:25 PM