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Y Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines St 21
Singapore 529400

3 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of National Development
Member of Tampines GRC


Dear Mr Mah

(Feedback about the playgrounds in Tampines and suggestions to improve them)

I am a student from Pasir Ris Secondary School, Class 2e6. I am writing to you is to provide you some feedbacks about the playgrounds in Tampines where also my school is located at and suggestions to improve them.

My class had a playground project based on our Literature textbook, Bridge To Terabithia. The setting of the novel is mainly in the woods and the characters lead a simple life. Basically we are supposed to use recycled materials and built a playground for the emotionally abused children in 3d model based on the novel. My group and I went online to find suitable materials for the playground. We suggested that we shall have a soft flooring and the facilities must be safe. Which means that the children will not get hurt so easily. The playground shall also allow the children to feel safe and comfortable.

After my school had moved back from the holding school in Bedok toTampines St 21, I noticed that the playgrounds looked dull and old. They are either not colourful or being vandalized by some inconsiderate kids. Some of them are also badly littered. Recently, I also saw children running about in the playgrounds but end up being injured. I think the reason for this is because that the floorings of the playgrounds are not safe and soft enough. The playgrounds also have limited facilities and they have sharp edges. This may cause injuries to the children who are not careful.

From what my group had researched on the materials suitable for the playground, we found that for the floorings of the playgrounds, we may use SSR(Silicone Sponge Rubber) can withstand the heat well, strong and durable, cheap and most importantly they are soft which means that the children will not be injured so easily and seriously. To make the playground a more safer place to play in, we shall make sure that all the play areas are protected from streets and traffics. Check that the outdoor environment for poisonous plants and remove them. You may also consider hiring more workers to keep the playground clean every now and then. We must also check the play equipment at least once a week, look for sharp edges, rough surfaces, and loose or broken parts.

Though I am in no position to advise you, but I hoped that you can consider my suggestions.


Yours faithfully,
Lim Jiayan
(Student of Pasir Ris Secondary School)

playground-ed Y
1:22 PM


Pasir Ris Scecondary School
390 Tampines St 21, Singapore 529400

3 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Member for National Development
Member of Tampines GRC


Dear Mr Mah

(Feedback about the playground in Tampines and suggestions to improve it)

I am a student from class 2e6. I am writing to you to provide you with some feedbacks about the playground in Tampines. My school has just moved back from the holding school in Bedok.

When we moved back to Tampines this year, I noticed that the playground located near my school is dull and old. Not the kind that young children would take a second look at.
Also, the playground is badly littered and parts of the playground have become rusty. One time, I saw a young child that got injured at the playground. It so happens that he fell down and got cut by one of the rusty edges of the playground. I fear that those young children that play there would also end up like him. So, I suggest that you renovate and construct a new playground. From what I studied, many of the children that play at the playground are either physically or emotionally abused.

My group and I are currently having a project on constructing a playground based on the book ‘The Bridge to Terabithia’. We have constructed a playground that can help these children get away from the troubles of the world. Example, our playground is brightly coloured and full of ‘smiley’ pictures. It is made with materials that are soft, non-chewable and also materials that would not get rusty AT ALL! Example materials such as wood, plastic and even rubber!

The playground which my group and I constructed is also specially designed to prevent the children from getting injured and from self-abuse. The playground is low lying so children with altophobia can also enjoy playing at the playground. The playground also has handrills to prevent the children from falling off without noticing. It is also not easily detached. There are also shelters erected above the playground to prevent the playground from getting overly hot and also to prevent the children playing from getting heatstroke.

You could also add in volunteers to take care of the children if they get ill or hurt. Counsellors can also be added to help the children get over their emotional scars. I would also advise you to hire some cleaners to clean the playground so that children would not be hurt by the litter.

I hope you would consider my suggestions and advise.


Yours faithfully,
Lynnete won ee lin
Student of Pasir Ris Secondary School

playground-ed Y
1:21 PM


Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampiness Street 21
Singapore 529400

3 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister Of National Development
Minister Of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah

I am writing this letter to tell u about how to improve the playground at tampiness for the emotionally abused children.

My project has some suggestion about how to improve the playground.. It is specially designed to help them overcome their feelings of being abused. For my research, I have found out that most abused children were abused by their closest people. ( eg, parents,relatives) Most of them were sexually abused by them, or physically abused.

Our project basically uses recycled materials for building the playground. So it does not harm the environment and can help the children. My group went online to find the suitable materials for the project. We then made a 3-D model of it. We used rubber as the main material. Rubber can absorb impact the best. So we used rubber as the covering as it will protect the children. We will wrap the metal poles with rubber. The safety of the children are our priority. We will think of them when we made this playground.

The total cost also did not exceeded the budget. The floors are made of silicone-sponge rubber. It is to ensure that when the children fall down, they will not get hurt. The height of the playground is not too high. So that even if they fall down, the impact will not be so great. There are nets below the playground.

I hope you will accept my suggestions.

Yours sincerely

playground-ed Y
1:15 PM


Pasir Ris Secondary School390 Tampines Street 21Singapore 529400

3 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of national development
Minister of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah
How to improve tampines playground for emotionally abused children.

My project is about how my group can build a playground especially for emotionally abused children to help them overcome their fear of being abused again. During my research, I found out that most of the case of children being abused is by their parents, either sexually abused or physically abused.
From what I had seen, I feel that playgrounds in tampines are actually quiet a fun place to be but are lack of colors and pictures to make them more attractive and look more life. To make it suitable for emotionally abused children or even handicap children, I hope you could make the buildings of the playgrounds softer so also to prevent the children from committing suicide. Adding words of encouragements to help the children to overcome their fear. In other words, in order to make the playground a lot safer, you can make sure all the playgrounds are not built near traffic; hire cleaners to keep the playground free of litters for example, broken pieces of glass; check the playground equipments once a month for sharp edges, rough surfaces and loose or broken parts; The ground of the playground should also be soft and can withstand high temperature, to prevent children from injuries and also to prevent the ground from melting due to high temperature in Singapore; material used for equipments should not be poisonous. Avoid using poisonous wood preservatives and also use paints that are lead-free.
Making the playground safer would ensure more parents to let their children to play freely in the playground without worrying about their safety.

Your sincerely,
Lee liang da

playground-ed Y
1:13 PM


Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400

3rd July 2008

Mr. Mah Bow Tan,
Minister of National Development
Minister of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr. Mah,

How To Improve Playgrounds In Tampines?
To improve it, you should make it much more creative, much more attractive and most of all, much safer. Also, you should include in mind, playgrounds for emotionally abused children.

The current playgrounds that are available in Tampines, the playgrounds are dull colored, unattractive and some how, boring to children who have played there more than once.

In my researches and studies, I have found out that most of the children in Tampines are being emotionally and physically abused. Their parents have scolded them to the state that they ran out of their homes and into the public.

Our playgrounds that we have created are much more colorful, attractive, fun and interesting to play again and again. It is also safer as it is built far away from roadsides so children won’t run into the roads and the materials used to make the playground are also safe such as the floor, which is made of silicon sponge rubber, is soft and at the same time good for kids to walk on as the friction of the floor and the child won’t make them fall down too much. Even if they do, the floor is made of sponge rubber so if they fall it will cushion most of the impact and they won’t feel anything. It is also cheap.

The materials of the playground are strong, sturdy as well as tough enough not to break apart or small pieces chip off. It is also non-poisonous and not toxic, so if accidentally the child chews on it nothing will happen although it is not encouraged. It is also odorless so there will not be any weird smell. It is also high heat resistance so it will not melt easily.

Children will definitely play in safe playgrounds as parents will also encourage it rather that playing playgrounds that are too close to roads and they will also enjoy having fun as well as not thinking of their troubles.

I hope you consider this proposal of this playground.

Daniel Tan

playground-ed Y
1:08 PM

Y Sunday, April 6, 2008

Week 3 has passed by faster than we have expected and the deadline for this project is in 3 weeks starting from today. Will post pictures of designs on this blog sometime this week and will get leader to confirm design before my full task is completed and then the builder(Liang Da) will have to find material price and not only that, start the mini model of the playground.

The playground designs are fully complete, pictures to be taken and suggestions to be made by group members and I almost forgot that the playground needs a short description of its type and as to how is it related to the literature text 'Bridge to Terabithia'.

Rupert has made a post of the price for the materials, although I don't quite understand what it means, and will hope that he gets online for msn today so that I can ask him or ask him when I get to school on Monday.

Due to the online emergency for this coming Wednesday and Thursday we may sapce out time to do this project as for sure all will be online on msn. Powerpoint slides also have to be made by the end of week 5 and hopefully everthing will go smoothly and according to schedule.

playground-ed Y
6:53 PM

Y Tuesday, April 1, 2008

$89.50(USD) per 1/16inch (thick)(36x36) lenght

$89.50 x 1.7 =$152.15

36 x 36 = 1296inches

$0.12 per 1/16 inch (thick). inch (length)

playground-ed Y
7:52 PM


The real points needed for the SA1

-Must be a playground(obviously)
-Playground must be inspired by novel Bridge to Terabithia(If not what the use of it being a literature project as good as DNT)
-The playground must be for emotionally scared children(another name for scars not the 'scary' thingy)
-Playground must be safe(Not near roads and playground materials must be safe)
-Must be handed in by term 2 week 6(We don't have forever you know.)
-Playground must be presented in a small model(Not full size lah)
-100% SA1 so dun play play.......................

Happy April fools day!


playground-ed Y
7:25 PM

Y Monday, March 31, 2008

Here are a list of links that help our group out on both designs and material searching.
Please note that if you guys know anymore then edit this post and add in your name for the new edited post such as : Edited by ... at 31/3/08

Some of these websites are really g*y in the fact that it has over 20000 materials information


Right now Im lazy to find anymore so I'll just go sleep or log on msn


playground-ed Y
8:36 PM


A chartitable organization has offered a startup fund of S$999k to any team that is able to come up with an award winning design to build a playground catered to primary school children with special needs. Your playground needs to be inspired by your reading of the novel, Bridge to Terabithia.

You and your team mates (group 5-6) are compassionate budding architects and you have taken up this challenge of designing a creative yet educational playground for these children at your own expense. You may select, from among the following, ONE target group of children to base your desgin on:

a) visually impaired children
b) physically handicapped children
c) children with down syndrome
d) children with non-contagious, but terminal illnesses
e) abused children with emotional scars

You need to do your research on the respective needs of your target group and design the most creative, yet need-sensitive playground and come up with a proposal in order to clinch the deal.

You need to present your proposal before the Present of the charitable organization (aka your Lit teacher) and fellow rival architects (aka your classmates) by the 6th week of Term 2, in the form of a model, alongside your research, sketches, descriptions of functions, proposed materials and budget, and any other relevant details.

You should incorporate ideas which have been insipred from your reading of Bridge to Terabithia, (E.g. Qualities of the secret 'kingdom' that Jess and Leslie were rulers of, how Jess built his confidence in this playland etc) and explain how your reading of the novel has inspired the design of the playground.

This project is worth S$999k, and more importantly, 100% of your SA1.

All the best!

playground-ed Y
10:34 AM

Y Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i got a very cool pic here... look at it... does it remind u of the lit storybook's castle.=) oo yeah by thw way this is Nashville Zoo's Playground.

playground-ed Y
8:46 PM


Week 2

The designs for the playgrounds must be safe, as in not to high or children may have altophobia(Scared of Heights) having 'handrails' to pro tect themselves from falling off without noticing, or having slides to up high that even the kids don't dare to get on, or stuff that can be detached and chewed on or eaten bla bla bla.........

The materials must be suitable like the last few posts speaking of proper materials. Since this playground is in the sun, certain factors must be noticed such as the material, like plastic, used carefully as it heats up and when it does, the playground becomes hotter than normal. Certain shelters must also be erected at the playground like a shelter over the slide or swing as not to get a heat stroke, common nowadays.

The designs are still being worked on for the fianl few decisions (still a very long way to go) the designs include mini rock climbings, bridges, ladders, swings, slides, ropes or cross ropes for walking on carefully and climbing, maybe even some seesaws around or round-abouts, still deciding....

We have found some suitable materials such as silicone sponge rubber, haven't yet searched for wood, the SSR (Silicone Sponge Rubber) can stand under the heat well, strong blablabla...... Haven't searched for metals..........Ask Liang Da.........

Everybody trying to get online together at msn at the smae time so won't mess things up to badly and get things started like on the 25th of March when we all got online(almost all) and started to spam all pictures of playgrounds and material items into this blog crazily and made good progress.


playground-ed Y
8:07 PM

Y Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Flexible, compressible COHRlastic silicone closed cell sponge is designed for high-performance gasketing, thermal shielding, vibration mounts and press pads.
This product is available in blue, in 36" x 36" sheets up to 3/16" in thickness. The sheets can be purchased with no psa, acrylic psa or silicone psa applied. The self-adhering sheets permit substantial savings because they are easy to apply, simplify production and eliminate the high cost of bonding. The silicone adhesive withstands the same temperature extremes, -100 degrees F to +500 degrees F, as the silicone rubber sheet.
Acrylic adhesive has a temperataure range of -20 degrees F to +300 degrees F and offers the advantage of twice the adhesion to steel and a longer shelf life than silicone adhesive. The self-adhering sheets are protected with an easily removed release liner. Apply to a clean, dry, degreased surface.
R10490 flurosilicone sponge rubber can be used as a gasket where it is necessary to contain fluids that would degrade normal silicone sponge and solid materials (special order basis).
COHRlastic(r) is the trade name for CHR's family of high performance silicone rubber products. Flexible, resilient silicone rubber has a unique chemical structure which gives it a high temperature stability and general inertness unavailable in any other elastomer. As a result, silicone rubber works in applications where no other material can be used.
Thermal Stability:
Silicone's physical properties are not adversely affected by prolonged exposure to temperatures from -100 degrees F to +500 degrees F. In addition, it can withstand intermittent exposure to even higher temperatures. Silicone far out-distances other elastomers in resistance to thermal degradation and outperforms other elastomers in general service life, compression set-resistance, electrical strength and non-stick properties. Silicone also has good chemical and fluid resistance. Although it may swell in contact with some solvents, the rubber will return to its original dimensions, usually without permanent deterioration, after the solvent has evaporated. At elevated temperatures, SGPPL silicone will outgas far less than other silicone elastomers. And, if it should burn, it produces a non-conductive white ash and ordorless, non-toxic smoke.
COHRlastic silicone rubber is odorless, tasteless and non-toxic. It contains no acid producing chemicals and therefore is non-corrosive and non-staining. Silicone rubber has excellent weather-ability because it is unaffected by sunlight, ozone and/or extreme moist or dry conditions. It will not support the growth of fungus. The service life of COHRlastic silicone rubber in room temperature applications is virtually unlimited.
Silicone variations for specific applications.
General purpose silicone rubber itself is versatile material. Beyond that, there are different types available for specific applications.
Silicone rubber compounded from a phenyl base will function down to -130 degrees F, with specialty formulations that will allow -170 degrees F usage. The benefit is greater strength, flexibility and compressibility at those temperatures than could be achieved with the more common methylvinyl compounds. Applications involving high heat and pressure call for a general purpose silicone rather than a high strength variety. Reversion can result from high temperature and pressure, and the general purpose compounds have better resistance to this phenomenon.
When fuel and solvents are present, a florinated silicone rubber is the best choice. This polymer affords maximum resistance to swelling and degradation associated with those fluids.
This product is available in 1/32" thickness. Please contact our sales department for pricing and availability in this thickness.

Taken from:http://www.chamberlinrubber.com/product.php?productid=127&cat=182&page=1
For more produces please go to: http://www.chamberlinrubber.com/home.php?printable=Y&cat=182&sort=price&sort_direction=1

playground-ed Y
9:18 PM


Playground designs....come up with about 6 designs so far, and still doing my 7th one now, mix of tubes, wire climbing, (For emotionally abused children remember) some winding staricases, all colorful, for these children to for get about their parents abusing, just forget, and get focused on just playing, like climbing, running, sliding, swinging, ...........WHATEVER......

Posted by Daniel

playground-ed Y
8:44 PM


Why use silicone sponge rubber?Silicone sponge rubber has the combined properties of resilience, high temperature stability and general inertness unavailable in any other closed cell sponge gasketing material. Silicones are generally unaffected by extended exposure to temperature extremes from -100°F to 500°F, and are also unaffected by aging and degradation from sunlight and ozone.

playground-ed Y
8:19 PM


playground-ed Y
8:16 PM


Pentagonea Pentanet made of five tubes and seven ball connectors. Structural frame of the Frameworx system, consisting of steel tubes 60,3 x 1826 mm. Swaged threaded couplers M 20 on both ends are the link to the ball connectors. The assemblage points are built by hollow aluminium balls with a diameter of 250 mm. The fixings are securely fastened inside the hollow balls. The connection points of frame and foundation are rubbercushioned in order to facilitate a maximum of elastic swing for the space cell.

playground-ed Y
7:53 PM


I opt for mulch because it's "natural" - it does biodegrade - and it provides the needed padding.

playground-ed Y
7:53 PM


How To Make It Safe

Make sure all play areas are protected from streets and traffic.
Check the outdoor environment for poisonous plants and remove them.
Check the play area daily. Keep the area clear of glass, litter, and large, loose rocks.
Check play equipment at least once each week. Look for sharp edges, rough surfaces, and loose or broken parts. Replace or repair damaged equipment. Avoid poisonous wood preservatives. Check that surfaces are painted with lead-free paint.
Replace the ground under the equipment with a soft, loose, resilient material, such as wood chips or loose sand. (Cement, asphalt, and hard-packed or frozen soil or sand can be dangerous play surfaces.) Provide the number of inches recommended by the manufacturer. This may be as much as 9-12 inches, depending on the material used. Sand and other loose materials should be raked often to keep them soft.
Carefully consider what equipment is suitable for different age groups. Supervise children closely at all times to prevent misuse of the equipment.
Teach children how to play safely. Involve them in making rules for playground behavior, and enforce the rules consistently. Praise children for using the playground appropriately. Remove a misbehaving child from play and explain how his or her actions could hurt someone.

playground-ed Y
7:53 PM


playground-ed Y
7:25 PM